harriett.vn, Cửa hàng trực tuyến | WebRaoVat - webraovat.net.vn


Ngày tham gia: 09-07-2021 17:03:16
☀💕🍒Dear customer, thank you for following my shop. All products are available. ☀note: ✔️Customer service is online from 9:00 to 18:00 in the morning, Monday to Friday. My warehouse colleagues also work on weekends and holidays, so they can ship normally. ✔️Delivered from Shanghai, China, it will arrive at your place within 8-15 days. ✔️All actual photos. ✔️Yes, we accept COD, COD is available. ✔️Click to receive the coupon Dear customer, thank you very much! -You are a trustworthy friend
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